Questioning Reality Conference in Toronto

Questioning Reality Conference in Toronto
全世界41位VR學者/業界齊聚一堂,要來do something awesome!
Questionjng Reality
Big shout out to Bree McEwan and Sun Joo Grace Ahn and the DSI team at University of Toronto for this awesome conference/gathering!
This is the most rewarding and most productive /and playful one I have ever had. Grateful to be able to spark conversations with so many great scholars and industry experts from NVidia, Meta, Google, Apple, Engage, and JP Morgan Chase!
May we all create great knowledge and great science for XR! 👍
老中青齊聚一堂思考我們要怎麼在傳播學術中進行未來的XR研究,我竟然能跟paper上的各位前輩們一起聊一起討論,大家都覺得幸福升天!旁邊的學者每個都12000-14000被引用數,前面的學妹2024剛發了一篇Journal of Communication, Lombard and Raney 就在隔壁桌,放眼望去都是主編副主編😂 重點是要一起合作做美好的研究❤️
大家都帶來自己的goggle, 一起玩Beat Saber and Vision Pro。非常intense的發想討論還有研究分享中,我們還得以在CNTower上看夕陽享用晚餐,大家都說這是最親近最棒的聚會。
#TammyinVR #VRXR #YouRock