
虛擬實境與數位科技為全英文授課課程,特別邀請美國德州理工大學媒體與傳播學院副教授Nick Bowman共同授課,結合學者在VR、互動科技、數位遊戲等領域專長,引領學生探索新知,學習提出洞察的關鍵能力。
課程囊括各項最熱門的專題,並進行頂尖期刊文獻回顧與案例分析,包括:「VR沉浸新聞」、「虛擬實境遊戲與說服」、「廣告遊戲與新聞遊戲」等,以及Dr. Bowman運用媒介心理學為基礎,研究使用者在數位環境的心理機制專題。
The seminar in Virtual Reality and Digital Technology will focus on understanding the latest metaverse trends, development of virtual reality, and digital game culture in the global perspective, and understand the development of theories and research trends/topics in the literature. In addition, students will learn various important digital technology trends internationally with a native focus.
Students will examine VR phenomena and their effects on human well-being, cognition, and emotions. Furthermore, we will look at how different areas employ VR and digital games as a persuasive and educational tool and identity experiment.